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How To Say Goodbye To Body Shame, Emotional Eating & Yo-Yo Dieting For GOOD So You Can Prioritize Your Health And Live A Life You Love!

Enter your details to grab your copy and unlock the 3-step holistic process to achieve just that!

As Seen On

Does this sound like you?

  • You’re overwhelmed with all the conflicting health & fitness advice out there, struggling to sift through the noise and figure out which path is truly right for you and your goals.
  • You catch yourself being your own worst critic. Every time you look in the mirror or indulge in a meal, your inner voice bombards you with statements of shame, picking apart your body, and highlighting every perceived flaw.
  • You’ve given therapy a shot, read all the self-help books, and experimented with diets and workouts, but nothing seems to click or feel intuitively right for you.
  • You start a new promising routine with excitement, but the novelty quickly wears off and before you know it, you’ve fallen off the wagon again.
  • You realize the importance of nutrition, but you struggle to prioritize and implement a consistent practice centered around cooking and eating healthily.
  • You’ve invested a lot of time, effort, and money towards improving your health and well-being but nothing seems to work long-term and you start to wonder if maybe you’re just not one of those people cut out for having a well-balanced, nourishing life.

It's time to toss out the diet books and tune out the overwhelming advice.

It’s time we took a step back into a simpler, more powerful, and more self-loving approach to our health journey.

The Foundations of A Nourished Life— is a process I crafted to help you live from a place of self-love and nourishment (while still knocking your health goals out of the park!)

It’s a holistic approach that recognizes the beautiful connection between mind, body, and spirit in your health & well-being journey.

In this guide, you’ll…

1) Learn to identify and eliminate the sneaky negative beliefs, behaviors, and habits sabotaging your health so you can experience a lasting, positive change in how you think and feel about your body, food, and life.

2) Discover a quick exercise to transform ‘body hate’ into ‘body love’ — Get rid of the shame, guilt, and body bullying that force you into restrictive eating, punishing workouts, and roller coaster diets, and learn to celebrate, love, and accept your body unconditionally.

3) Learn how to kick emotional eating to the curb and embrace empowered eating – Say goodbye to cravings and binge eating and gain nourishing insights into some of your emotional eating habits, the foods you tend to gravitate towards, and the reasons behind those choices!

What Others Have To Say…

"I've learned to be kinder to myself and break the habit of negative self-talk. Overcoming body shame has been a journey of self-discovery and acceptance, celebrating my worth beyond looks. Through positive affirmations and mindfulness, I now embrace my body's strength, resilience, and uniqueness. This journey taught me the power of self-love, and I look forward to continuing this empowering path ahead."

- Marybeth, Saudi Arabia
A Nourished Life Student

"Your work has profoundly influenced my journey. Discovering 'food as medicine' through your teachings has expanded my understanding of wellness beyond weight loss, a perspective that's refreshingly rare today. As I read through the guide, I had a realization: I've developed a healthier relationship with food. I now rarely overeat, which marks a significant positive change for me." Thank you for your impactful work.

- Jacquline, OR, USA
A Nourished Life Graduate

And I’ve been where you are! Not too long ago, I found myself at a pivotal moment in my health journey battling anxiety, depression, autoimmune battles, weight fluctuations, low self-worth and confidence.

Deep down, I knew I had to change, or I'd be heading down a pretty dark path. So, I mustered up the courage to seek the help I needed. I found a holistic nutritionist who then gave me the gift and opportunity of a lifetime —the gift of taking ownership of my health and well-being!

Within 2 months after taking inspired action and implementing her advice, I lost 50 lbs, my skin cleared up, my hair grew back, and came to the realization that - FOOD IS MEDICINE!

This epiphany set me on my path. I went on to complete my undergraduate degree in Nutritional Sciences & Dietetics from UW Madison, and then pursue further studies in food, nutrition, and psychology at Bastyr University, earning a dual master’s degree in Holistic Nutrition & Clinical Health Psychology.

Fast forward a bit, and here I am—a trained certified nutritionist, health therapist, and all-around well-being advocate with over 20 years of experience guiding health enthusiasts, healthpreneurs, caregivers, educators, and professionals from various walks of life to achieve their healthiest and happiest life through a proven holistic system.

I created A Nourished Life to help folks like you take the reins on their health, cultivate well-being from within, and craft a purposeful, meaningful life.

This guide is designed to teach you the foundations of this transformative process, guiding you step-by-step on how to reclaim your health and embrace a life filled with vitality and joy.

I can't wait for you to start this journey and experience the incredible changes that are possible!

With love,

Ready to break free from the cycle of body shame, emotional eating, and yo-yo dieting?



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